Cheap Things to Do In the Peloponnese

“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else.” ― Wendell Berry, A Place on Earth Go-Date: Day ……pick one – Various and sundry days, thru Feb. 20 Lessons Learned: You need not have an agenda, a list of locations, things to do, or UNESCO sites to visit. There are marvelous things to see just around the corner. […]

A Seaside Interlude

“My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can. “ –Cary Grant Go-Date: Day 26, Sunday, Feb. 17 Lessons Learned: Sometimes picking a road with no destination works out well. Today, we took a flyer […]

UNESCO Tour (Part III)

“We are all migrants through time.”  ― Mohsin Hamid, Exit West Olympia (UNESCO site) Lesson Learned: Don’t ask for ground meat in Greece. You won’t find packages of hamburger in the grocery stores here. Ellen asked the butcher and even though most Greeks speak English (at least in the larger towns) he looked at her like she […]

UNESCO Tour (Part I)

“I am not particularly interested in saving time; I prefer to enjoy it.”  ― Eduardo Galeano Go-Day 15 to 22, February 6, 2019 to February 13 Lessons Learned: Pack your hiking boots (or shoes). They are comfortable, protect your feet, and you can walk in them all day long. You can wear them with shorts or […]